“How did all this start?”

Someone asked this question at the retreat in the photo. And it made us ponder: how did all of this really start?

We could go back over 2,000 years to when Jesus established His Church and prayed that we would be one body, as a testament that He truly was sent by the Father. But more specifically, how did this network come to exist?

Every network has many inception points that all converge in God’s timing. In this case, there are at least a few cities across Ohio that have had leaders and organizations intentionally pursuing unity and collaboration amongst churches in their communities for over 25 years. Each had a heart to see these churches impact their communities in tangible ways and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Over the last several decades, many more of these networks have developed and matured. All of the larger metro areas of Ohio and many rural communities have some version of a collaborative network of churches—praise God!

Since 2019, there has been increased connectivity between these network leaders. Through covid, Zoom calls became normal, and we found ourselves connecting more and more for both encouragement and practical insight on how to navigate a challenging season of division and racial unrest. What is truly beautiful is how God has used something the enemy meant for evil to bring about such community and strength!

While there are many different streams that have led up to this collaborative network that now exists across Ohio, one individual that played a crucial role in helping this network develop to this stage of sustainability is Chip Weiant. We are grateful for his continual “call to the small” to be faithful in all things, and for his foundational work of the “Civil Society Tutorial” that reminds us to be rooted in Christly character.

Thank you to all who have contributed and gone before us to make this network possible!